Newsletter issue No. 3

SNAME - UNIWA section















On September 13th, our section did the annual elections for the selection of the next executive committee. The elected E.C for the year 2020-2021 will be :

·         Marios Chalaris, serving as Chairman for 2nd year

·         Konstantina Tsortanidou, serving as Vice Chairman

·         Olga Pagaki, serving as Secretary & Treasurer

·         Konstantinos Ioannou, serving as Web Master




Last Year’s Recap & Acknowledgements


Although the previous year was directly influenced by Covid-19, it was a very successful for SNAME UNIWA. We tried our best to find ways to create events and more and to make collaborations with respectful partners.  Here is a small recap of the previous year.


Firstly, we made two collaborations, one with and one with Cronus Web. We created for the first time ever our Newsletter with the precious help of Cronus Web, where we try to publish new issues very often.  We also held a very successful Webinar and our members visit a summer camp in Collaboration with We would like to thank both of them for all the help that they gave us, and we hope to even better things, as we renew our partnership!! We also would like to thank our Parent Section, because they gave us support every time we needed it.


Also, we are very happy that 7 new members joined SNAME community from our University the last year, and so our “Family” got bigger and better! Also, a lot of UNIWA students and Teachers are more interest now to join and learn more about SNAME.  It is the first time since the time that our section was founded, were so many new members joined in a single year.




On April 27th, we held a very interesting Webinar in collaboration with The topic was “Green Shipping: Road to decarbonization”, and it had a lot of great speakers. It is very important to mention that, Dr. John Kokarakis, the SNAME Greek Section Chairman, was one of the speakers and also that Dr. Dimitris Lyridis was the event’s moderator! This webinar was very successful, because it had around 200 viewers and participants at the same time, and more than 2500 Playbacks!








Presentation of University of Strathclyde

NAOME's PGT Programs

at the University of West Attica



The University of West Attica hosted a great and very successful presentation of the Postgraduate programs of the Department of Naval Architecture, Ocean & Marine Engineering of the University of Strathclyde.


The event was hosted by the last-year Student reps and supported by the Head of the Department of Naval Architecture of the University of West Attica, Professor C. Politis, the Strathclyde Student Ambassador of the Faculty of Engineering Ioannis Chalaris, and the Senior Lecturer of the University of Strathclyde Panagiotis Kaklis.


After the presentation, a quite interesting Q&A session took place with more than 35 students from UNIWA. This event proves the good relationship between the two universities, which are proud members of the SNAME family.




Summer Camp in Oinousses: "Maritime Sustainability"



Our team participated in the Summer Camp hosted by and Helmepa in Oinousses, Chios. The Summer Camp's subject was "Maritime Sustainability", a raising challenge, that the maritime society is summoned to deal with. We would like to thank @isalosnet , @naftikachronika and @helmepa_savetheseas  for giving us the opportunity to get in touch with so many remarkable personalities from the Greek maritime society and for the warm hospitality, that allowed us to explore both the glorious maritime history of the island and the quaint island itself.


On 9-7-2021, in the morning session,, HELMEPA, the University of the Aegean, WISTA Hellas, Ιnusses Municipalty, Σύλλογος Φίλων Οινουσσών welcomed and introduced us to the summer camp. Later in the day we visited the maritime museum, which is located in the centre of the island’s port and houses ship models, paintings, documents and books, all related to maritime tradition of Inousses. Later a guided tour was organized by the major of the island, who gave us the chance to glimpse the island’s history through the emblematic buildings, quaint church and the vivid narrations.


On 10-7-2021, a discussion was made regarding sustainability in and out of maritime, climate change and its consequences, which are becoming more and more obvious in our everyday lives. Also, an additional collaboration was made, about the bodies, personal and corporate responsibility, who are able to lead maritime to a greener path. In the afternoon Inousse 3 made circumnavigation around the island, during which we visited the archipelago of the Aegean, one of the eastern extremities of Europe and the wider sea area, while the captains were tour-guiding us.

  On 11-7-2021, Helmepa exponents introduced us to soft skills and lectures were held related to topics such as the importance of IT to business and maritime economy. Last but not least an interactive role game was held, in which students and young professionals were divided in small groups (consisted of various specialties from the field of maritime) had to present a plan, according to their point of view, for a greener maritime.


our updated website is online


We recently updated our section’s web pages that can be found under SNAME’s main website. You may log in and visit it in order to browse through our interesting content. Our newsletters will be there as well.







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